Coaching vs. Therapy
My clients tend to have already done years of inner work before finding me. Chances are that they’ve explored therapy so it is often a reference point for our work together. Sometimes clients come to me because they felt stuck in therapy and stopped it. Sometimes they come to me to supplement their current work in the therapy. Here are some of the key differences between what I do and therapy:
I am doing my own healing work right beside you. I share about my own personal journey - what has worked for me and for other clients (maintaining confidentiality, of course). You are always encouraged to ask, “What did you do in my situation? What was it like?” We are in it together. We imperfectly practice together.
Therapy is generally about analyzing your past, possibly evaluating your symptoms and making a diagnosis for treatment. While working with me IS about understanding your past… the primary focus is NOT to diagnose you, but to be curious about how the past is blocking your most vibrant experience of your present and future and to listen to your inner wisdom for your next step forward.
Depending on your therapy modality, you might talk a lot about what patterns need to change in your life. Our work together defines tangible action steps to create that change during your day/week. There came a point in my therapy journey where I was frustrated that I didn’t want to “learn” more about the problem - I wanted to “do” more about the solution. Working with me is about embodying all that you are learning.
My Mentorship clients can also choose to have unlimited access to me between our sessions. Usually the expectation in therapy is that you have access to your therapist primarily during your session and then you are on your own out in real life.
Trauma therapy was beautifully supportive, essential and transformative for me. I also needed other healers in my life. Just like with my entire healing team - my need for my therapist ebbs and flows with my transformation journey. Listen to your inner wisdom about what you most need at all times.