Reconnect to who you came here to be.
You are here to experience a life full of meaning, ease, love and joy
so you can share your unique creative gifts with our communities!
Our modern way of living teaches us that our worthiness is tied to our productivity and how much we can sacrifice ourselves for others. Many of us have stopped taking care of ourselves, stopped recognizing our own needs or dreams, in the name of “love” for our loved ones, our communities, or our careers.
As a result, we are trapped in deeply-rooted repetitive patterns of struggle. We feel exhausted, resentful, confused, lost, anxious, depressed, under appreciated, burned out, numb, or a deep sense of purposelessness.
There is nothing wrong with you that you are feeling this way.
Our culture has taught us to reward self-sacrifice and normalize the struggle for more achievement, productivity and success - regardless of how it feels in our bodies. This cycle keeps us disconnected from our authenticity, creativity and soul’s purpose.
Human Design and Gene Keys can lead you back home to yourself.
Explore Your Human Design + Gene Keys
Based on your birth data, discover your energetic roadmap to living your soul’s purpose.
Your chart and gene keys illuminate how your intuition speaks to you, how to increase your magnetism and create more ease and flow in your life, and what soul gifts and superpowers you are here to embody and share with the world!
New Client 90 minute readings ($222) are supportive for:
an introduction to how human design and gene keys are uniquely expressed through me. I’ll intuitively share what you most need to hear, with space for reflection and clarification.
clear guidance for your unique path forward during times of confusion or transition.
inspiration from some of your unique gifts, superpowers or gene keys that are relevant to what you are navigating in life right now.
Returning Clients gain access to 45 minute questions and reflections sessions ($88), 60 minute reiki for creative living sessions ($150) or bundles of 4 (60 minute) readings ($700).
Self Discovery Journey ($1,100/mo for six months) is supportive for:
receiving unprecedented support to be courageously authentic and change your daily habits to align with more joy, ease and purpose.
connecting to your intuition and creativity.
nurturing yourself with inspiration from your unique design, reiki energy healing, nervous system care, shadow integration, meditation (and more) so you can nurture your people from a place of abundance instead of self-sacrifice.
creating impact with your unique gifts in a way that is fulfilling and meaningful to you.
voicing a long-held dream, something you’ve always secretly (or not so secretly!) wanted to do or experience, and bravely taking imperfect action to make it your reality - in a way that is aligned with your unique design.
The system is broken - not you.
YOU are the deep-feeling, highly-sensitive, and creative force of nature that our collective needs most.
It’s time to flourish while being courageously authentic and creative!
Hi, I’m Kathryn
I’m an intuitive 3/5 Emotional Generator certified as a human design + gene keys reader, reiki III practitioner and trauma-informed life coach. I’ve guided dozens of women, just like you, to experience a vibrant, soul-led life.
As a survivor of the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, I prioritized my own healing for 3+ years before stepping into my calling to nurture others.
I was finally able to break my cycles of anxiety, depression and burnout from my 20+ years in the entertainment industry and unresolved family trauma. I now practice embodying my human design to guide me through a life full of more joy, ease, creativity, connection, beauty, meaning and freedom.
Embody more of the life your soul came here to experience!
Break free from the meaningless struggle and awaken your courage and creative genius!