You are uniquely designed to flourish and create with joy, ease and purpose!

Human Design + Gene Keys Coaching Waitlist

In these experiences, you are devoted to changing your life to align with your design and purpose.

I am here to lovingly nurture and challenge you to ignite your courageous authenticity, step into the power of your soul gifts and create the life your soul came here to experience.

1x1 self-discovery journeys ($1,100/month for six months) include 1x1 zoom sessions with a daily Telegram private chat devoted to support, encouragement, guidance and inspiration to embody your design in real life, in real time.

We are quite literally doing life together. I’m in your back pocket pointing out real life examples of your gifts and guiding you through practices to honor your intuition in real time to make new choices to create a new way of being aligned with purpose.

This is a very high-touch, highly personalized experience so you can truly stop unconscious patterns of behavior in their tracks and chart a new course, now. No more waiting. This is about taking newly aligned action, fueled by your unique human design and gene keys, to live differently on purpose.

Your dreams are yours for a reason. No one else can give them life, but YOU. You are here to create in a way that imitates no one.

This is for women who are ready to invest weekly time, energy and resources to discovering who they truly are and sharing their unique creative genius with their communities.

Your human design and gene keys reveal a personalized blueprint for how you can most easily experience a life full of meaning, delight, ease, peace, success and satisfaction.

Want to get started while waiting for a coaching spot to open?

Book a Reading Today!